Oral Commissures
Do you feel that your mouth makes you look sad or upset when you’re not? This is often caused by the appearance of the oral commissures where the upper and lower lips meet at the corners of the mouth.
Overactive facial muscles and the loss of skin elasticity resulting from ageing can also make oral commissures appear more noticeable.
Also referred to as marionette lines, they tend to worsen over time, contributing to an angry or sad-looking appearance.
Oral Commissures
Treating Oral Commissures
Thankfully, there is a treatment available to rejuvenate the appearance of this area, providing a lift that creates more positive contours around the mouth.
You can restore lost volume and lift sagging skin around the mouth, creating a more youthful and uplifting appearance.
The depressor anguli oris muscles pull down the corners of the mouth when you frown and cause oral commissure lines.
With repetitive movement over time, these lines become statics and visible with a resting facial expression.
Who is suitable for Oral Commissures Treatment?
Candidates for this treatment are adults who feel the lines around their mouth make them look sad, angry, or older than they are.
Age, genetics, and muscle movement patterns all contribute to the appearance of this area. Ideal candidates have marionette lines caused by excess sagging skin, which can be treated effectively with this restorative treatment.
This treatment is appropriate for most adults, both women and men, in good general health.
What Causes Oral Commissure Lines?
Several factors can contribute to the formation of oral commissure lines. A loss of volume in the cheeks, the effects of gravity, and the ageing process all play a role in causing the corners of the mouth to droop.
One of the most common causes is the repetitive movement of the depressor anguli oris muscles in the jaw. These muscles run from the corners of the lips down to the chin and are responsible for the down turning of the mouth when you frown.
Over time, the repetitive use of these muscles can make it appear as though you are frowning even when you have a resting facial expression.
The ageing process can also make downturned corners of the mouth appear more prominent. This is because the body produces less of the proteins collagen and elastin. These proteins are what makes your skin appear plump and firm.
Over time, the skin can become less springy and start to sag, making the corners of the mouth appear to droop.
Certain lifestyle choices can also make the appearance of oral commissure lines appear more severe. For example, smoking and overexposure to the sun’s powerful UV rays can damage the skin and accelerate the ageing process.
What is the next step?
This restorative treatment is often combined with a cosmetic wrinkle treatment for a more dramatic change in appearance.
Schedule a free consultation visit to discuss your treatment specifics and receive a personalised quote.