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Cosmetic Treatments

Cosmetic Treatments


Cosmetic treatments are an effective way to refresh your appearance. Whether you want to prevent or reduce the signs of wrinkles or define your natural features, cosmetic treatments may assist you in achieving your desired results.

As we age, the body produces less collagen, the skin starts to look tired, and we experience volume loss. Cosmetic Treatments help reverse these common signs of ageing. You can be the best version of you. 

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Wrinkle Treatments

Reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles and prevent new lines from forming. Wrinkle treatments are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in Australia. 

Restore & Enhance Treatments

We can help restore lost volume, add definition, and balance your facial features. Enhance your lips, nose, cheeks, and other areas of your face. These versatile cosmetic treatments can refresh and rejuvenate with little to no downtime. 

Beauty Booster

Beauty Booster is a cosmetic treatment that can help smoothen, hydrate, and restore for a complete facial rejuvenation. This advanced anti-ageing treatment delivers micro-levels of a fine product. It provides an intensely hydrating and collagen-boosting effect. 

What Are Cosmetic Treatments?

Cosmetic treatments are minimally invasive treatments that rejuvenate the skin for a more youthful complexion. The two main types of cosmetic treatments are wrinkle treatments and restore & enhance treatments. 

Wrinkle treatment contains a substance that relaxes the overactive facial muscles that cause fine lines and wrinkles. Restore & enhance treatment products contain a sugar substance that naturally occurs in the body. The product replaces lost volume to plump out the skin and enhance the appearance of your facial features.

The two types of cosmetic treatment products can be used as standalone treatments or combined to maximise results. 

How Do Cosmetic Treatments Work?

Most wrinkles are caused by the repetitive contraction of facial muscles, resulting in lines and creases on the skin’s surface. A wrinkle treatment temporarily blocks the nerve signals that cause over-active muscles to contract. With the muscles relaxed, the skin becomes smoother and rejuvenated. 

The restore & enhance treatment products work by restoring lost volume. As part of the ageing process, the body produces less collagen and elastin. Facial fat tissue starts to drop, and we also lose bone density. These products restore this lost volume to address skin laxity, hollows, and other visible signs of ageing. 

Which Areas Can Be Treated?

Cosmetic treatments can be a fast and effective treatment for a number of facial areas. 

Wrinkle treatments can treat fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet), mouth, and forehead. This treatment can also treat teeth grinding, excessive sweating, and slim the jawline for a more attractive V-shaped facial structure. 

Enhancement treatments can restore lost volume, add definition, and create a more balanced facial structure. You can use this treatment to enhance the cheekbones, change the contour of the nose, or create a more defined jawline. Lip enhancement can help you achieve a fuller pout and pillowy lips.

Sometimes a combination of cosmetic procedures is the best way to achieve your desired results. Your practitioner will be able to recommend a treatment plan during your free consultation at b clinic. 

Do I Need To Attend a Consultation?

Yes. You will need to attend a complimentary consultation before any cosmetic treatment. Your clinician will assess the treatment area and ask about your desired outcomes to determine which procedure is the best option for you. 

This is also an opportunity to learn more about your practitioner. You can ask about their experience performing cosmetic procedures. Your clinician will answer any questions you have and make sure that you are prepared and feel confident about the treatment. 

Are Wrinkle Treatments or Enhancement Treatments Better for Wrinkles?

The effectiveness of both procedures depends on the type of wrinkles you want to treat. Wrinkle treatments are generally more effective for frown lines and wrinkles around the eyes and forehead caused by overactive facial muscles. Some people also use wrinkle treatments as a preventative measure to stop wrinkles and lines from forming. 

Restore & enhance treatments are typically more effective for deeper wrinkles and creases caused by volume loss. The nasolabial folds and marionette lines can also benefit from this treatment more than a wrinkle treatment. 

In many cases, a combination of cosmetic treatments can help you achieve a refreshed and youthful look. 

When Should I Start Getting Wrinkle Treatments?

There is no right or wrong age to start using wrinkle treatments. Most people seeking this cosmetic procedure are aged 30-55. However, many people in their 20s start using cosmetic treatments as a preventative measure to keep wrinkles and lines from becoming static. The best way to find out if you could benefit from this treatment is to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced team of practitioners here at b clinic.  

How Much Do Cosmetic Treatments Cost?

The cost of cosmetic treatment depends on the type of procedure and the area you want to treat. Book a free consultation at b clinic to receive a personalised quote and treatment plan.