Tear Trough Filler Gone Wrong: What Can You Do About It? Skip to content

Tear Trough Filler Gone Wrong: What Can You Do About It?

Wrinkles, sunken areas, and dark circles under the eyes can have a big impact on your self-confidence. Tear trough filler restores volume to lift and smooth the skin and make you look younger and fresher. 

It’s a super-effective way to rejuvenate your appearance without the risk and downtime of surgery. 

But like any cosmetic procedure, it can go wrong. Unfortunately, most botched tear trough filler procedures result from the injector not having enough experience and training. 

Keep reading to find the common mistakes and what you can do about under-eye fillers gone wrong. 

The Causes of Tear Trough Filler Complications

Most complications from tear trough fillers are the result of an inexperienced practitioner. The under-eye area is more complex than other places that are commonly treated with dermal fillers. The skin and tissue are thinner, so choosing the right filler product and injection technique is essential. 

Here are the most common tear trough filler treatment complications:

The Wrong Type of Dermal Filler Product Was Used

Dermal filler is made from a natural substance that is also produced in the body, hyaluronic acid. This dermal filler product is well tolerated by most people, but not all dermal filler products have the same consistency and quality.  

Some products are thicker and not very well suited to treat the delicate under-eye area. If the wrong type of dermal filler is used, it can increase the risk of swelling and unnatural-looking results. 

Incorrect Placement of the Filler

The tear trough is a delicate area. When the filler is not placed in the correct location, it shows through the thin tissue and skin of the under-eye. 

For most tear trough filler procedures, the product should be placed on top of the bone in the tissue plane. If the injections are too superficial in the skin, the filler product can create unnatural looking results. 

In some cases, the filler can create a blue discolouration of the skin, known as the Tyndall effect. It can also result in irregular lumps and swelling. 

The Patient Is Not a Good Candidate for Tear Trough Fillers

Some people are not suitable candidates for tear trough fillers. For example, many people seek tear trough fillers to improve the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. However, if the dark circles are caused by skin pigmentation, tear trough fillers are not the best solution. 

Dark circles caused by volume loss can be treated with fillers, but pigmentation is best treated with laser rejuvenation or other alternative procedures. 

If you have excess skin causing large under-eye bags, dermal fillers may not be the best treatment option. In some cases, lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is the most effective way to treat under-eye skin laxity and refresh the appearance of the eyes. 

When under eye fillers are performed on an unsuitable candidate, it provides unsatisfactory outcomes. 

Too Much Filler Product Was Used

With the skin and tissue in the under-eye area being very thin, an inexperienced practitioner can easily make the mistake of using too much filler. Small amounts of filler can have a significant impact on the delicate area under the eyes. 

The practitioner should take a conservative approach to under-eye fillers as more filler can be added later if necessary. 

When too much product is used, swollen pockets under the eyes after fillers is a common complication. The area can appear puffy, with irregular lumps. Too much filler can also cause the Tyndall effect and blue discolouration of the skin. 

An Unqualified or Inexperienced Practitioner

The most common cause of tear trough filler complications is an inexperienced or underqualified practitioner. 

Because of the rejuvenating results that can be achieved with under-eye filler, the procedure has become very popular here in Australia and around the world. But not all injectors are equipped with the experience and training they need to perform the procedure safely and effectively.

Almost all of the botched tear trough filler stories you hear are due to injectors with little training and no medical background making mistakes.

That’s why it’s so important to choose a reputable clinic with an experienced team of practitioners and cosmetic doctors. 

What To Do About Tear Trough Filler Gone Wrong?

One of the significant advantages of regular-based dermal fillers is that the effects can be reversed using a corrective enzyme product. The enzyme breaks down the dermal filler so the body can absorb it. Within 48 hours of the corrective treatment, the under-eye area will return to its pre-treatment appearance. 

The alternative is to wait for the effects of the dermal filler to wear off. However, tear trough dermal fillers can last from 6 months to over a year. The complications will become less noticeable over time, but most people prefer to dissolve the filler product with hyaluronidase to reverse the unwanted effects. 

How To Avoid Tear Trough Filler Complications?

The best way to avoid tear trough filler complications is to choose a clinic with experienced practitioners. The procedure has an excellent safety record and high patient satisfaction when performed by an experienced injector. 

Make sure that the clinic you choose has a good reputation and performs lots of tear trough filler procedures. You will need to attend a consultation before the treatment so the practitioner can assess the tear trough area and see if you are a good candidate for fillers. 

This is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about the training and experience of the clinician.

How To Fix Tear Troughs?

The best way to treat the tear troughs is with dermal filler injections. The dermal filler fills the hollows created by the loss of volume due to the ageing process. Tear trough fillers are an effective treatment to rejuvenate the under-eye area.

How Much Filler for Tear Troughs?

The amount of filler required for tear troughs can vary from person to person. Generally, clinicians will use 0.5ml to 1ml of dermal filler for the tear troughs. Your practitioner will use their experience and skill to determine how much filler is required to achieve optimal results. 

What Are the Side Effects of Tear Trough Fillers?

Serious complications from tear trough fillers are rare, but there are more common side effects that you should be aware of before treatment. 

The most common side effects include bruising, swelling, and tenderness in the treated area. For some people, these symptoms will only last for 24 hours after the procedure. In some cases, it may take a few days for the swelling and bruising to subside. 

Possible complications can also include infection of the injection sites, hyperpigmentation in the treated area, and ocular occlusion if a blood vessel is punctured during treatment. These more severe complications are rare. 

Are Tear Trough Fillers Risky?

Tear trough fillers are safe when administered by an experienced clinician. They can correct and rejuvenate the under-eye area without the risk and expense associated with more invasive surgical procedures. It’s important to choose a skilled and qualified practitioner and follow all perpetration and aftercare instructions to minimise the risk of complications and achieve optimal results.

To learn more about tear trough filler and see if you are a good candidate, schedule a free consultation with one of our board-certified practitioners here at b clinic.