Blood Plasma Skin Treatment

As we age, we produce less collagen & elastin in our skin, which causes lines, wrinkles and thinning of the skin. This therapy is a treatment that uses your own blood to help improve your complexion, skin texture and to restore lost volume in our face, neck, décolletage, hands. This treatment can also be beneficial in treating thinning hair. 

If treated early this treatment can stimulating natural hair growth to prevent the progression of further hair loss and increase thickness of hair.

Call 1300558188 to book your free consultation appointment today. 

The treatment involves the collection of your blood (approx. 8-16ml), then your blood is spun down in a centrifuge to separate out the beneficial components. The portion of your blood is then injected back into your skin to stimulate new collagen production, and improve the appearance of the skin. The product injected is 100% your own blood by-product (autologous).

  • Tired and dry skin, laxity of skin, uneven pigmentation
  • Signs of skin ageing
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Overall texture and tone improvement
  • Certain types of alopecia or general hair thinning
  • People who may experience risk of allergic reactions from other treatments
  • People looking for a natural treatment using the body’s own healing process
  • Concerns with hair loss or thinning hair

What to expect from this treatment

  • Improved skin colour, elasticity, tone and thickness.
  • Remodelling of the collagen fibres for improved tone.
  • Long-term smoothing of skin tissue and texture.
  • Faster healing following aesthetic treatments e.g. laser skin treatment and dermal needling.

How many treatments will I need?

This may vary depending on your skin condition, lifestyle and your expectations.  Generally 3 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart is recommended.

What can I expect post treatment?

Most clients go straight back to work after the procedure. However, you can expect minor bruising and swelling for up to 12-24 hours.

How long does it take to see results from the treatment?

The swelling from the plasma is what you see and feel first. Once this has subsided you will not see a noticeable change. Typically first results are visible 2 weeks after the treatment and full results around 4 months after, as the treatment stimulates collagen regeneration. Increasing the collagen in your skin means over time your skin will appear rejuvenated, younger and fresher looking. Results will vary from one individual to the other.

How long do results last for?

Treatment results vary however in most patients the results last up to 18 months.

We suggest a follow up treatment touch up treatments will maintain the results as well. As the treatment product is made of 100% of your own blood, factors such as smoking, stress and illness can affect results.

Can I return to activities after the treatment?

We suggest you limit your physical activities after your treatment to avoid sweating or increasing the possibility of swelling or bruising. We also recommend avoiding wearing makeup or washing the treatment areas for 12 hours post-treatment.

To find out more about this treatment and to see if you are a suitable candidate please book a free consultation.

Beauty Booster Treatment

Beauty Booster

Our Beauty Booster treatment smooths, enhances, and restores.

As your skin ages, it progressively loses hydration. In addition, an unhealthy lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, smoking and alcohol can exacerbate moisture problems, affecting your skin’s quality and vitality.

The Beauty Booster treatments work to replenish, protect and stimulate your skin’s natural moisturising properties for a beautifully hydrated, plumper and younger-looking appearance. It’s great for boosting elasticity and targeting fine lines on your face, neck, and décolletage.

  • 1ml
    2ml $690
    3ml $900

Intense Skin Hydration With A Beauty Booster Treatment

The Beauty Booster treatment is one of the most advanced skin rejuvenation therapies in Australia.
Suitable for all skin types, the procedure can be tailored to your unique skin concerns for intense hydration and reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other visible signs of ageing.
The Beauty Booster is a powerful treatment for the face, neck, décolletage to help you achieve smoother, firmer, younger-looking skin. 

Who Is Suitable To Have This Treatment?

The Beauty Booster treatment is suitable for most skin types. If you want to improve the texture and tone of your skin to achieve a brighter, younger-looking complexion, you could benefit from a Beauty Booster treatment. 

The procedure is an effective way to treat fine lines, wrinkles, dehydrated and ageing skin. The collagen-boosting effect also makes it an excellent preventative anti-ageing treatment. 

How It Works

The Beauty Booster treatment has a firming effect on your skin, improving its elasticity, texture and hydration. They make your skin glow with healthy vitality.

A session takes just 30 minutes (with a numbing cream applied 30 minutes before treatment) and consists of fine intra or hypodermic micro-injections of minuscule quantities of light dermal filler along your wrinkle lines and evenly spread over the surface of the treated area.

You’ll experience minimal discomfort and downtime.

The treatment restores your natural healthy glow with a unique formula of dermal filler containing vitamins and other active ingredients that replenish and revive your skin. 

The Beauty Booster restores lost skin density and boost collagen production to help you achieve smoother, healthier skin. 

All ages can benefit from a Beauty Booster Treatment – it can prevent the visible effects of ageing and reverses some of the signs of ageing. 

What Should I Do After the Procedure?

You should avoid any strenuous exercise, exposure to heat (saunas or hot showers), and alcohol consumption for 24-48 hours post-treatment.

For the first day after your Beauty Booster treatment, you should also avoid applying any pressure to the area. It’s also advisable not to use any serums or skincare products containing active ingredients like Vitamin C and retinoids for 24 hours.

Your clinician may also recommend that you do not undergo any other cosmetic treatments in the area, including chemical peels and laser procedures, for up to 2 weeks.

Where Can the Treatment Be Used?

The Beauty Booster is an effective treatment for rejuvenating fine lines, wrinkles and thickening of the skin on the face, neck, and décolletage.

The advanced microinjection device delivers a unique light dermal filler that allows for highly targeted hydration and skin laxity in even the most delicate areas, including the neck and under the eyes.

How Soon Will I See the Results?

Most clients see improvement in their skin 2-3 weeks following their initial treatment.

You may notice that your skin tone and texture feel and look to be more hydrated and supple. With each subsequent session, you’ll may see cumulative results as your complexion looks increasingly radiant and firmer.

For most people, we recommend three sessions at 3-6 week intervals and a maintenance session 2-3 times a year for lasting results.

How Long Do Results Last?

Your skin can appear smoother, firmer, and more youthful within the weeks following the Beauty Booster treatment.

Results will continue improving over the next 2-3 weeks as swelling in the treated area subsides and the body produces more collagen.

The effects of a series of three treatments typically last for around 6 months but can vary according to your metabolism and lifestyle.

Most clients return to the clinic for a maintenance session every 4-6 months. 

How Many Treatments Are Recommended?

The Beauty Booster treatments use a unique light dermal filler to hydrate and restore density to the treated area. The dermal filler product used in this treatment contains a substance that is naturally produced in the body as well as other vitamins and active ingredients. Over time, the body will absorb the light dermal filler product, and the effects of treatment will fade.

We usually recommend an initial series of 3 sessions spaced 3-6 weeks apart.

After the initial treatment sessions, you can return to the clinic for a maintenance session every 4-6 months. 

During your free consultation at b clinic, your practitioner will assess your skin concerns and create a personalised treatment plan with a recommended number of treatment sessions. 

Is There Any Downtime?

There is little downtime associated with the Beauty Booster treatments. You may experience small bumps at the site of the injections, but these should fade within hours of the procedure. Some clients may experience mild swelling and pinprick bruising, but this can be concealed with makeup and usually subsides within 24-48 hours. 

Does It Hurt?

An anaesthetising cream is applied 30 minutes before your treatment to minimise discomfort. 

The dermal filler product also contains a local anaesthetic. 

Possible Risks and Complications

Immediately following treatment, you may notice small bumps in the treated area at the site of the injections. 

This is entirely normal for any injectable cosmetic treatment and should resolve within a few hours. 

Some clients may experience mild swelling and bruising that will subside over the next 24-48 hours. 

Other potential side effects can include tenderness, redness, and itching in the treated area. All of these possible side effects should subside within a few days of the treatment.

Rough Costs Involved

Treatments start from just $410 and are based on the amount of fine dermal filler you need to achieve your desired results.

To find out more about this treatment and see if you are a suitable candidate, please book a free consultation.

Dermal Fillers

Restore &Enhance

Our skilled injectors can replace volume loss and enhance facial features in the most natural way possible with our contouring and volumising treatments.

At b clinic, we are well known for providing rejuvenating treatments that keep our clients looking like themselves but fresher.

Your journey with us starts with a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced doctors or nurses, who will conduct a full facial assessment. Based on your aesthetic needs and concerns, your practitioner will develop a personalised treatment plan and provide a customised quote.

Restore and Enhance treatment prices

0.8 ml $450

1ml $550

*Please note, the above pricing applies across all b clinic locations, excluding Queen St, Brisbane City clinic location.


Who Is Suitable A Suitable Candidate For Restore and Enhance Treatments?

These treatments are suitable for men and women experiencing volume loss due to ageing. This injectable treatment can restore volume to targeted areas of the face to address facial wrinkles, skin laxity, and other visible signs of ageing. These treatments can also enhance facial contours to improve symmetry and achieve a more balanced and youthful appearance. 

To find out if you could benefit from this treatment, book a free consultation at b clinic today. 

How Does this Treatment Work?

This treatment can replace the facial volume lost due to a drop in collagen and elastin production. Your body starts to produce less collagen as early as your 20s. 

Over time, the drop in collagen production and loss of bone mass and facial muscles can cause areas of the face to appear sunken. This can result in facial lines, dynamic wrinkles, and skin laxity. 

This treatment can help to restore this lost volume. They are a type of cosmetic injectables are made from a naturally occurring substance produced in the body. It keeps skin and connective tissue hydrated and healthy. 

When injected into target areas, this treatment restore volume, hydrate the skin, and stimulate the body to produce collagen for a rejuvenated natural appearance. 

What areas be treated?

Cosmetic injectables like our Restore and Enhance treatments can be used to treat concerns in multiple areas of the face, including: 

 They can soften facial lines and smooth the transition between areas of the face, such as the nasolabial folds and tear troughs. 

And can also help to enhance and correct the facial profile and create more definition. For example, strategically placed injections can strengthen the jawline or correct the uneven shape of the nose

How Long Does this Treatment Last?

These treatments are not permanent. You can expect results to last for 6 to 18 months. The longevity of the filler treatment results depends on the type of filler product used, the treated area, and other factors. 

Your metabolism, lifestyle choices, and age can all affect how long the treatment will last. Most people require a top-up session around 6 months after the initial treatment to maintain their results. 

How Long Does a Treatment Take?

Depending on the treated area, a treatment session typically takes around 30-45 minutes. 

Before your treatment, it’s important that you attend a free consultation with one of our experienced team of b clinic practitioners. They’ll ask you about the results you want to achieve and determine if dermal fillers are the best treatment option for you. 

Is There Any Downtime?

Usually, there is little to no downtime associated with this treatment. This is a minimally invasive cosmetic injectable treatment. However, as with all cosmetic procedures, they do carry some risks. Your treating doctor or nurse will discuss with you all potential risks and possible complications during your complimentary consultation. 

Most people experience mild redness and swelling around the injection sites, but this should subside within 24 hours. You can also apply makeup immediately to disguise any unwanted signs of treatment.  

It’s important to avoid activities that could disturb the product or increase the risks of side effects for the first couple of days. This includes strenuous exercise and alcohol consumption. 

Does this Treatment Hurt?

Most people do not describe this treatment as painful. However, you may experience a slight pinching sensation and pressure as the product is injected. A local anaesthetic may be applied before treatment or mixed with the product to minimise any discomfort. 

How Do I Prepare for this treatment?

As with all cosmetic injections, the most common side effects of this treatment are bruising and swelling around the injection sites. You can reduce the risk of these side effects by avoiding any medications and supplements that act as blood thinners. 

Stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen for one week before your treatment. You should also avoid fish oil and vitamin E supplements for one week before your filler session. 

Alcohol consumption can also increase the risk of swelling and bruising post-treatment and is best avoided for 48 hours before and after treatment. 

What Is the Aftercare for this Treatment?

Your b clinic practitioner will provide important aftercare instructions to help you achieve optimal results and minimise downtime from your procedure. 

For 24 hours, you should avoid strenuous exercise or environments that expose the area to excessive heat, including saunas and steam rooms. You should also avoid applying pressure to the treated area until the filler product settles.

It’s important to allow your skin time to rejuvenate following your treatment. You should avoid any cosmetic skin treatments for two weeks post-treatment. At home, you should avoid using any harsh exfoliation products or active skincare ingredients for 5 days, including retinol.

What Is the Difference Between wrinkle treatments and Restore and Enhance treatments?

Wrinkle treatments and Restore/Enhance treatments are both cosmetic injectable treatments. They help reduce the appearance of visible signs of ageing and are often used together to achieve a more total facial rejuvenation. 

Fine lines and wrinkles are often caused by over-active muscles contracting when you make a facial expression. This causes the skin to crease. Anti-wrinkle injections relax the overactive muscle, resulting in smoother and more youthful-looking skin. The effects last for around 3-4 months before a follow-up treatment is required to maintain results. 

Restore and Enhance can replace lost volume and hydrate the skin to reduce the appearance of visible signs of ageing and enhance facial contours. The effects of contouring and volumising typically last for much longer than wrinkle treatments. 

Do Restore and Enhance Stretch Your Skin?

Restore and Enhancement treatments do not stretch the skin. Once the body has broken down the filler product, the skin will return to its pre-treatment appearance. These treatments keep your skin hydrated and boost collagen production, which can help to prevent sagging and skin laxity. 

Possible Risks and Complications

Every cosmetic or medical procedure involves some risk. It’s important that you understand the possible complications before your treatment. 

These treatments are a minimally invasive procedure. Generally, side effects are mild and short-lived. For the first 24 hours post-treatment, you may experience mild swelling and bruising around the treatment areas. The injection sites may also appear red and feel tender. 

In some cases, the filler product may form lumps under the skin. This is typically the result of an inexperienced practitioner performing the injections. The lumps can typically be massaged away to achieve a more natural appearance. 

Rare complications can include an allergic reaction to the dermal fillers, infection, and damage to the skin cells. 

Your clinician will discuss the risks and possible complications of this treatment during your initial consultation. We also recommend that you attend your complimentary post-treatment review so your practitioner can assess the results.

How Much Does this Treatment Cost?

The cost depends on the area being treated and the amount of product required to achieve your desired results. Restore and Enhancement treatments start from $550 for 1ml of product. Schedule a free consultation at b clinic to receive a personalised quote and treatment.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti Wrinkle


Anti-wrinkle/muscle relaxant injections are used to relax the muscles causing facial wrinkles. 

Over time, repeated muscle movements cause deep facial folds to form. By relaxing these muscles, anti-wrinkle injections achieve a younger-looking, rejuvenated appearance. 

These treatments can successfully smooth wrinkles caused by muscle movement and even prevent these lines from worsening over time.

Anti-wrinkle/muscle relaxant prices at a glance:

Suitable to treat: crow’s feet, frown lines, horizontal lines, gummy smile, chin dimpling, jaw slimming,/teeth clenching, bunny scrunch, lip flip and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). 

1 area $260

2 areas $440 Save $80

3 areas $590 Save $190

Minimum 46-60 units per area. No additional cost if top-up required on review. *See T&C’s for full details.

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Bunny Scrunch Lines Treatment

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Oral Commissures Treatment

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Neck Platysma Bands

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Horizontal Forehead Lines

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Benefits of Anti Wrinkle Injections

As your skin ages, it loses elasticity due to a drop in the production of the proteins collagen and elastin. Your skin doesn’t bounce back into place like it did when you were younger. This lack of springiness is what causes fine lines and wrinkles to appear. 

In the areas where your facial muscles move and contract to form expressions, folds and lines in the skin can make you look older than you really are. Static lines can even change your facial expression to make you look sad or angry.

Anti-wrinkle injections relax the muscles that cause fine lines and wrinkles, helping you look as young on the outside as you feel on the inside. 

Smooth Away Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Anti-wrinkle injections can improve the appearance of fine lines and temporarily eliminate wrinkles. The procedure is effective for existing skin concerns, but it can also be successfully used to soften and prevent lines and wrinkles from forming. For client’s in their late 20s and early 30s, anti-wrinkle injections can be an effective preventative anti-ageing treatment. 

Look Younger and Fresher

Frown lines, crow’s feet, and other lines caused by repetitive muscle contraction can become etched into the skin over time and remain visible even when you have a resting facial expression. These static wrinkles and lines can add years to your appearance and make you look tired, even if you’re well-rested. Anti-wrinkle injections soften these folds in the skin, helping you to look younger and fresher. 

No Downtime

Known as a lunchtime treatment, anti-wrinkle injections can be performed in-clinic in less than an hour and with no downtime. Unlike more invasive surgical cosmetic procedures, nothing is stopping you from returning to work and your regular daily routine immediately after your anti-wrinkle appointment at b clinic. 

How It Works

Anti-wrinkle injections help you achieve firmer, smoother, and younger-looking skin by targeting the overactive muscles that cause fine lines and wrinkles. The product weakens the signal to the muscle that tells it to contract. 

The muscle relaxes, softening the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Within a few days of your anti-wrinkle treatment, you’ll look younger and fresher, with smoother skin. 

Results typically last up to 4 months. With regular treatments, the treated facial muscle will become less active and smaller, and the effects should last longer between treatments.  

Who Is Suitable For This Treatment?

This type of cosmetic procedure is a preferable option for people who want to improve the appearance of wrinkles and achieve a younger appearance without the painful side effects and downsides of invasive surgery. The treatment can also be beneficial for clients that want to prevent future wrinkles and lines from forming.

Anti-wrinkle injections are non-invasive and can be performed in less than an hour. Treatment outcomes are natural-looking and subtle compared to the more dramatic results of surgical procedures. You will appear fresher and younger-looking, but your friends and colleagues will be unable to notice any tell-tale signs of treatment.

If your skin displays more severe, static wrinkles, your clinician may recommend anti-wrinkle injections in combination with dermal fillers. While anti-wrinkle injections can smooth the skin and eliminate wrinkles, dermal fillers restore lost volume and stimulate collagen production to lift and rejuvenate the skin.

The best way to determine which treatment is right for you is to schedule a free consultation with one of our friendly b clinic doctors. 

Which Areas Can Be Treated?

The most popular treatment areas are crow’s feet, frown lines, and horizontal forehead wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle injections can also be used to treat bunny scrunch lines on the nose, wrinkles forming around the mouth, and neck Platysma bands. Our experienced practitioners can also use muscle relaxants to slim the jawline and treat excessive sweating. 

Do Anti-Wrinkle Injectables Hurt?

Most clients do not experience any pain during anti-wrinkle injections. You may experience a slight pinching sensation as the injection is applied, but this discomfort is similar to the feeling of a pinprick. The injection procedure only lasts for a few moments, and any discomfort is short-lived. 

If you have a very high pain sensitivity, a topical anaesthetic may be applied before treatment.

Is the Treatment Safe?

Yes. Anti-wrinkle injection products have been FDA approved for over two decades. In 2019, over 7.7 million anti-wrinkle injections were performed in the U.S. alone. 

In Australia, treatments have been performed for over 15 years, with anti-wrinkle injections among the most popular and well-known non-invasive cosmetic procedures. There are very few side effects, and tens of thousands of injections are performed across Australia and New Zealand every year.

Are There Any Side Effects?

When performed by a trained and experienced clinician, the side effects of anti-wrinkle injections are minimal. As with any injection, you may experience tenderness and mild bruising around the injection site. 

Rare side effects can include temporary drooping of the eyelids, dry eyes, and blurred vision. These side effects are extremely rare and are usually the result of too much product being used due to an inexperienced practitioner. 

It’s important to discuss your medical history and disclose any allergens during your free consultation. Allergic reactions can result in rashes, redness, itching, and symptoms of asthma. These side effects should resolve within 48 hours of the treatment. 

Do I Need to Do Anything to Prepare?

You should engage in any strenuous physical activity and avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours before treatment to reduce the risk of bruising. It’s also recommended that you stop taking aspirin and vitamin E one week before the procedure to minimize the chances of bruising and skin trauma around the injection site. 

What Should I Expect After the Treatment?

There is no downtime required after anti-wrinkle injections. You can return to work and carry on with your normal daily activities after leaving the clinic. You will start to notice an improvement to your wrinkles after 3 days, with your smoother skin and fresher appearance lasting for up to four months post-treatment. 

Immediately after the procedure, you should avoid touching or applying pressure to the treated area. Any redness or bruising can be concealed with makeup and should subside within 48 hours. 

How Long Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Last?

The longevity of treatment results depend on the area being treated and the number of units injected. Some people will experience longer results than others. For most clients, anti-wrinkle injections results last around four months. 

After this time, the muscle will become more active, and your skin will return to its pre-treatment condition. Many clients return to the clinic for regular follow-up treatments to maintain their results. It’s important to leave a gap of at least 12 weeks between treatments to ensure that results are long-lasting and sustainable. 

How Many Anti-Wrinkle Treatments Will I Need?

Anti-wrinkle injections last for around four months before a maintenance treatment is required. After this time, the muscle will become active, and lines and wrinkles will begin to reappear. We recommend booking a follow-up treatment every 4 to 6 months to maintain your younger-looking appearance. 

After several treatments, the anti-wrinkle injections will help to weaken the overactive muscles that cause fine lines and wrinkles. Contractions and muscle movement will be less severe, and you will require fewer units of product to achieve the same results. 

Many clients can benefit from combining anti-wrinkle injections with dermal fillers. While the anti-wrinkle injections target the overactive muscle, they do not restore lost volume to the area. 

If you have severe lines or deep wrinkles, dermal fillers can be an effective way to restore volume lost due to the ageing of the skin. The hyaluronic acid-based filler product can boost collagen production, “fill in” hollowed features and give you smoother, younger-looking skin. 

During your free consultation at b clinic, your doctor will evaluate your skin concerns and recommend a treatment plan that will provide a natural-looking enhancement to help you to achieve your aesthetic goals.

What Is the Difference Between Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Dermal Fillers?

Anti-wrinkle treatments are used to target the muscle contractions beneath the skin that cause frown lines, crow’s feet, and other visible signs of ageing. Over time, repeated muscle contractions fold the skin and cause wrinkles and lines to appear. A muscle relaxant injection reduces the severity of the muscle contraction to smooth out the skin.

Dermal fillers are used to restore volume to areas of the face where ageing has caused hollows, and the skin has started to sag and droop. As the body ages, reduced bone density and a drop in the production of collagen and elastin causes the skin to drop down the face. This results in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and hollows. Dermal fillers restore lost volume to these areas to plump the skin and make it appear smoother, firmer, and more youthful. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be an effective treatment for the lips, tear troughs, brows, chin, and other areas of the face that show a loss of volume. 

Read Dr Frank’s guide for more information on the difference between anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers.

Can I Get Anti-Wrinkle Injections While Pregnant?

No. While there is no clinical evidence that anti-wrinkle injections are unsafe during pregnancy, client safety is our top priority. It is not advisable to receive anti-wrinkle injections or other types of injectable cosmetic treatments during pregnancy. 

Will I Still Be Able to Make Expressions?

Some clients prefer to have some subtle movement whilst other clients request no movement at all. Our highly-trained practitioners will tailor the treatment for ‘you’. 

We take time to understand your unique needs and desired outcomes. During your free consultation, you’ll receive a personalised treatment plan that’s right for your lifestyle and budget and realises the results you want to achieve.

Schedule a free consultation today to start your journey to smoother, younger-looking skin.