Chin Sculpting Injections: All You Need to Know - b clinic Skip to content

Chin Sculpting Injections: All You Need to Know

Sagging skin under the chin can change the shape of the face, add years to your appearance, and be a real blow to your self-confidence. While being overweight can make this condition more prominent, many people at a healthy weight suffer from a double chin or sagging jowls. 

As the body ages, the skin loses volume, elasticity and firmness, causing the fat pads in the lower face to slip towards the jawline. 

Chin sculpting injections are a non-invasive procedure to restore lost volume and combat the dreaded double chin. 

What is Chin Sculpting?

Chin sculpting is a cosmetic procedure involving dermal filler injections to revolumise the chin area and reduce sagging. 

A skilled practitioner will strategically use dermal filler to lift the skin and achieve a more defined contour of the chin. Some people require a combination of dermal filler treatments to eliminate a double chin and achieve a younger-looking facial structure. 

During your free consultation at b clinic, your practitioner will examine your skin and recommend the best approach to achieve your desired results. 

Chin Filler Before and After: What to Expect

The entire treatment is usually performed in less than an hour in the clinic. 

A topical anaesthetic cream may be applied before the procedure to minimise any discomfort. Alternatively, the anaesthetic may be included as part of injection and applied at the same time as the filler product.

The practitioner will use a thin needle to inject small amounts of filler into strategic locations on the chin and jawline. By using multiple injection sites, the filler can lift your skin evenly to achieve a symmetrical and natural-looking enhancement. 

After the procedure, you may experience some mild swelling and redness around the injection sites. This is entirely normal and will subside within 48 hours of treatment. You can use makeup to conceal any visible side effects during this time. 

It’s recommended that you avoid any strenuous exercise for the first 48 hours post-treatment and try not to rub or apply pressure to the treated area. 

The dermal filler product is hyaluronic acid-based, a sugar that your body naturally produces. Once it has settled, the filler will be incorporated into your soft tissue, so you don’t need to worry about it moving or becoming displaced. 

Is Chin Sculpting Permanent?

Chin sculpting injections provide an immediate and long-lasting enhancement. The duration of results depends on the metabolism of the individual and their lifestyle choices. 

In general, chin sculpting injections will last for 9-12 months. Over time, the body will break down the dermal filler product, and the chin will return to its pre-treatment appearance. 

Many clients return to the clinic after 6 months for a top-up dermal filler treatment to maintain their results.

Is Getting Chin Filler Painful?

Most people find that chin sculpting injections are not painful. A topical anaesthetic may be applied to help minimise any discomfort, or it may be added to the filler product and applied with the chin sculpting injections. 

You may feel some pressure when the filler is applied, but this doesn’t last long and isn’t painful. Once the anaesthetic has worn off several hours after the procedure, your chin may feel a little tender and sore. This will subside over the next 48 hours, and you can take over the painkillers to manage any discomfort. 

Why is My Chin Saggy?

Sagging under the chin and around the jawline is often referred to as jowls. As the body ages, we lose volume in the face, and the skin produces less collagen and elastin. 

These proteins play an essential role in the connective tissue and help the skin spring back into place after being stretched. With less of these proteins being produced, the lower face’s skin loses its tightness and firmness. With gravity pulling down, the skin begins to drop towards the jawline and beneath the chin. 

How Can I Tighten the Skin Under My Chin?

There are a few ways to tighten the skin under the chin. While plastic surgery is an option, it comes with significant risks and downtime that many people would prefer to avoid. 

Chin sculpting injections use dermal filler to revolumise the area around the chin. This non-invasive procedure can reduce the visible signs of ageing in the lower face and chin by restoring lost volume and stimulating new collagen and elastin production. 

Many people find that chin sculpting injections or Ultherapy offer a much gentler alternative to plastic surgery. You can address sagging skin and combat the appearance of bone loss in the jawline without going under the knife. 

How Can I Lift My Chin?

While wrinkles, crow’s feet, and sunspots are a significant concern for many people, sagging skin is one of the most noticeable signs of ageing. The loss of definition in the lower face can change your facial structure and make you look much older than you truly are. 

Lifting the chin can tighten up the skin and restore structure and definition to the lower face. Non-surgical chin sculpting injections can rejuvenate the chin without the downtime and risks associated with invasive plastic surgery. 

How Do You Lose Chin and Neck Fat?

If you’re looking to combat a double chin or get rid of sagging jowls, you need to know the cause of the condition before you can do something about it. 

For many people, sagging jowls are not due to being overweight. The condition is a result of ageing skin and volume loss in the lower face. 

A non-surgical chin augmentation can be used to restore lost volume, add definition and reduce the appearance of sagging skin. By treating the loss of volume, you can restore your facial structure and achieve a younger-looking facial profile. 

If your condition results from being overweight, you may need to bring down your body fat percentage through exercise and adopting a healthy diet. Once you have brought down your weight, chin sculpting injections can help you address sagging skin in the lower face.

Do Double Chin Injections Work?

Yes. Many clients are surprised when they discover they can address a double chin with dermal filler injections, rather than a more invasive surgical procedure. 

You may find that you need a combination of treatments to improve the appearance of your chin. Adding volume to the chin can lift and bring the skin back into place, but you may require a small amount of dermal filler in the cheeks to restore your youthful facial structure.

Results from chin sculpting injections are natural-looking and long-lasting. You can address a double chin without the painful side effects and downtime associated with more invasive procedures.