Common questions about laser eyebrow tattoo removal answered

If the results following your cosmetic brow tattoo treatment have left you with the opposite of what you had desired, don’t despair: help is at hand. In today’s blog post, we will answer all your questions on what to do if you hate your cosmetic eyebrow tattoo.

How does eyebrow laser tattoo removal work?

Like any other Laser tattoo removal treatment, the laser light will target and shatter the tattoo ink into smaller particles, slowly breaking down the colour with each treatment. Between treatments, your lymphatic system will gradually help your body flush out the ink, and the colour will fade.

Is it safe to remove eyebrow tattoos with a laser?

Yes, it is safe on the skin and will not affect hair growth. It can be slightly uncomfortable, but the process is quick. Side effects such as redness, tenderness, and swelling can be experienced immediately post-treatment, typically within 24 to 48hs. Due to the type of pigment used in cosmetic tattooing, you may experience some colour changes in the ink as it fades.

A patch test is performed on a small area of your tattoo at least 24 hours before your first treatment to evaluate the ink and skin response. The cost of the patch test is $50 and will take place at the end of your complimentary consultation.

How soon can I remove my eyebrow tattoo?

We must ensure your skin is completely healed from the cosmetic tattoo before removing it with a laser. We recommend waiting at least six-eight weeks after your cosmetic eyebrow tattoo treatment. Any sooner may put your skin at risk for scarring.

How many sessions will I need?

How many treatment sessions will depend on several factors, including ink amount, colour, depth, layers, and desired results. Most people will have at least two and up to eight treatment sessions, six weeks apart.

Can the tattoo be removed entirely?

The short answer is yes. But although the treatment is safe and effective, the success rate and response can vary according to the type of pigment used in the ink and other factors. Each client needs to be individually assessed by one of our qualified laser practitioners to determine if they will be a good candidate. The treating practitioner will then advise the client on the best course of treatment for their specific needs.

How soon can I have my eyebrows retattooed?

Our experienced and fully qualified laser technicians recommend waiting at least 8-12 weeks after your last laser tattoo removal treatment before having your eyebrows retattooed.

Which lasers do you use to remove eyebrow tattoos?

We offer Picosure laser tattoo removal at our Sunnybank and Revlite Q-Switch laser treatments at Fortitude Valley clinic.

How much does laser eyebrow tattoo treatment cost in Brisbane?

We offer laser tattoo removal treatments at our Sunnybank and Fortitude Valley clinic locations in Brisbane, Queensland. The cost of a laser eyebrow tattoo removal treatment is $180.

Special Offer

Buy one laser tattoo removal treatment and receive 50% off your 2nd treatment.

Laser Eyebrow Tattoo Removal Brisbane

*This offer can only be applied to tattoo removal treatments over $150. It must be the same tattoo. This offer expires on the 31st of May 2023.

Call our friendly customer service team now to book your free consultation 1300558188.

Discover the Secrets of Ageing Gracefully: Insights from a Cosmetic Nurse with 20 Years in the Field

Clinician with a client

By Marian Ferguson, Registered Nurse, Cosmetic Injector

When I talk with patients about their aesthetic concerns, facial ageing is always at the top of their list. It’s my pleasure to help them understand how structural changes to the skin over time the result of unwelcome changes in facial fat distribution, collagen, and elastin are. The result is a loss of skin tone and resilience that manifests as fine lines and wrinkles, often at a surprisingly young age.

One solution at b clinic we have to offer is a 2-pronged treatment that helps combat the signs of ageing in the lower face.

Volume Loss, Sagging Skin, and Other Visible Signs of Facial Ageing

A variety of factors are conspiring to age your face:

  • Skin that is less firm and toned than you’d like (skin laxity)
  • Jowls that are heavier than they have been before
  • A less-defined jawline
  • Loss of facial contours

Or to put it more directly – the face just doesn’t look youthful anymore!

One of the key contributors to an ageing face is the loss of collagen. From a medical perspective, collagen is a protein. It serves as one of the main building blocks for your skin. From an aesthetic perspective, collagen supports the skin’s smooth, youthful appearance and helps prevent the skin from sagging.

For people seeking to refresh an ageing face, I have found that Ultherapy, combined with hyper-diluted biostimulator injections, work wonderfully together to offer a long-lasting rejuvenation result.

Here are the uplifting details …

Ultherapy – The Collagen & Elastin Stimulation Factory 

As you age, your body creates less collagen, causing tell-tale signs of ageing such as wrinkles and sagging skin. Ultrasound therapy (with our patented Ultherapy system) allows us to go deeper than other non-invasive treatments. Micro-focused sound energy generates a thermal effect beneath the skin’s surface, affecting skin, superficial wrinkles, and even muscle. When stimulated by Ultherapy’s deeply penetrative waves, your body’s regenerative response is triggered, and it begins to make and replace lost collagen and elastin to gradually lift and tighten skin.

One key factor that makes Ultherapy so special is the focused imaging it offers. An Ultherapy treatment can target just the right depth and use just the right temperature to provide a bespoke treatment to suit each person. The treatment usually takes under an hour, and you can resume your regular activities immediately afterwards. There is no downtime and no need to hide away until you heal.

This is exciting news for anyone who is having trouble achieving desired facial contours through other means. “The fat pocket under the chin is pretty weight-loss resistant for most people,” Dr David Colbert told Healthline for their article Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Ultherapy. “If someone’s always been fit, but they have sort of a little fat pad under the chin, it’s not going to go away with diet,” he says. “That’s where Ultherapy comes in.”

Biostimulator – More than just another dermal filler

Most of my patients are already familiar with regular dermal fillers that are used to plump and enhance deflated facial areas. Biostimulators can also be used as a volumising filler. Yet, when hyper-diluted, this dermal filler product acts as a skin rejuvenator that can stimulate the production of natural new collagen in a process known as neocollagenesis. 

The importance of collagen to skin health and beauty cannot be overstated. Collagen production is associated with desirable benefits including:

  • Improved skin quality
  • Increased skin density
  • Skin tightening

To be effective, the formulation of each biostimulation injection is fine-tuned to address patient’s unique needs. The formulation in the biostimulator contains molecules of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. These create a structure that mimics connective tissue. As a result, skin becomes smoother and firmer, by tightening skin and improving facial contours.

Injectors, like me, undergo rigorous, specialised training to understand and administer biostimulators. Following a facial assessment, I tailor an individualised skin-lift strategy to create the best, most natural looking firming and lifting results. Using a cannula and a tri-vector approach, I am able to treat the lower face, and mid-face of patients effectively with biostimulators.

The Beauty of Bundling Anti-Ageing Treatments

I use biostimulators as a volumising filler to treat volume loss in the face. When combined with Ultherapy, I ensure the product is hyper-diluted to be used as a skin rejuvenator. My goal is to ensure my clients enjoy long-lasting and natural looking results and come back for a yearly repeat treatment to help maintain the benefits.

I have been a cosmetic nurse injector for more than two decades, and a member of the b clinic team for fourteen of those years. In my history of using biostimulators, I have found them to be especially effective for preserving a youthful and desirable V-shape to the face. They stimulate the naturally occurring collagen beneath the skin, delivering long lasting results.

Is that something you would like?

Long-lasting results …

The phrase ‘Seeing is believing’ is apt when it comes to the results of an Ultherapy/biostimulator treatment. Although you may see improvements in the appearance of your skin following your initial biostimulator treatment, the final results of the twin-treatment approach to facial ageing will be seen over the next 3 months. Ultimately, people can enjoy benefits lasting up to 12 and 18 months of both treatments.

Note: It is important to remember that while a single Ultherapy treatment is all that is needed with this approach, you will need to have between one and three biostimulator treatments to achieve optimal results. When scheduling, keep in mind that biostimulator treatments can be delivered 4 weeks prior to Ultherapy.

b clinic – We Want to See Your Beautiful Face ASAP

Are you eager to rejuvenate your face and reclaim the radiant, glowing skin of youth? Book a complimentary consultation today! We look forward to seeing your beautiful face soon.

Is There Such a Thing As Too Early Or Too Late For Facial Rejuvenation?

attractive woman looking at the watch on her arm

Today’s patients are better informed than ever about facial rejuvenation. They know which specific imperfections they want to improve or correct and when. They research and decide which treatment they feel will help them. But one thing they often wonder is “Am I too young to start treatments?” and equally, “Have I left it too late?” So, let’s talk about it! When is too early and is there such a thing as too late?

b clinic offers a range of modern, non-surgical treatments and products that repair and rejuvenate. In consultation with our experts, you will explore and select the right treatment. Whether you’re looking to reverse ageing or just delay its onset, b clinic is here with the knowledge, tools and treatments to help you achieve your goals.

In our opinion, it’s always the right time to look and feel your best. We hope this timely advice is just what you’ve been looking for.

Do You Think You’re Ready for a Tweak in Your 20s?

First up, we want to be clear. If you are a teenager and thinking about anti-wrinkle injections – you are too young! Of course, we do have teenage clients – often because of acne or another non-age-related skin concerns.

If you are in your 20s, you probably know that, sadly, none of us can escape facial ageing, in part because, as The Better Health Channel says, “Skin is the first body part to show the signs of age.” That means it’s never too early to consider professional help. In Australia (and especially in Queensland) thanks to the sun, even if you’ve taken exemplary care of your skin by refraining from smoking, limiting sun exposure, and having a good daily skin care routine, signs of facial ageing can become problematic as early as your mid-20s with:

  • Age spots
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Skin dryness
  • Fine lines
  • Furrows
  • Sagging skin
  • Thinning skin
  • Wrinkles

Our treatments help combat natural skin ageing in younger clients. The improvements are subtle but noticeable, prompting comments such as, “You look great! Have you been on holiday?” rather than, “Oh, you had some work done.” b clinic offers a range of modern, non-surgical treatments and products that repair and rejuvenate skin. In consultation with our experts, you will explore and select the right one for you, your skin, and your timetable.

Laser skin resurfacing is a good choice for people seeking to improve both their skin’s tone and its texture. Laser treatments use quite incredible technology. Without getting too nerdy, a laser treatment stimulates your body’s natural healing powers to grow brand new skin cells where the laser has removed old, damaged ones.

The body really is amazing – it can literally grow brand new skin, it just needs a little nudge from a good laser to be encouraged to do so. The result is skin that looks healthy and glowing.

Is there anything lasers can’t do? Yes. Laser resurfacing is not recommended for the treatment of excessive or sagging skin.Other approaches are more productive for that.

It’s Always the Right Time, but What Is the Best Laser Skin Treatment?

Although there are exceptions, it’s always the right time for laser skin rejuvenation treatments. Depending on the severity of the problem and a client’s goals, b clinic offers a wide range of laser skin treatments with the most up-to-date equipment: 

ABLATIVE LASERS – combat visible signs of facial ageing by removing the epidermis (the thin, outer layer of skin) and heating the dermis (underlying skin), thus, stimulating collagen production to improve skin texture and firmness.

After healing, the treated area appears smoother and tighter. b clinic is equipped with a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and an erbium laser to ensure optimal treatment choices for every client.

NON-ABLATIVE LASERS – sometimes referred to as light-source therapy, these lasers represent a meaningful advancement in the treatment of facial ageing. Unlike an ablative laser, our non-ablative lasersbypass the outer layers of the skin to do their job. They do their work by creating micro-wounds just beneath the surface of the skin. 

Non-ablative lasers are less aggressive than ablative lasers, with a shorter recovery time and shorter duration of benefits. If you are undergoing non-ablative treatment or fractional Er:YAG laser resurfacing, you’ll likely need 1 to 3 treatments scheduled over weeks or months to get the results you’re looking for.

In addition to this, there are also fractional and non-fractional versions of each. But the good news is this – you don’t need to know all this technical detail (unless you really want to). Our laser experts will assess your concern and recommend the perfect treatment just for you! The one thing to remember is that laser technology is advancing all the time and the results just keep getting better. We are constantly buying the latest laser technology to ensure we can achieve the best results for our beloved clients.

Non-Ablative Lasers and a Combination Treatment for Every Age

Your skin is as unique as you are. For this reason, b clinic is prepared to address your facial rejuvenation needs with a trio of treatments featuring non-ablative lasers. Each has its own special benefit:

  • ResurFX This efficient technique is fast and easy with only light swelling and redness that dissipates over 1–3 days. A true advancement in laser technology ResurFx requires only a single pass over the skin to promote long-lasting facial rejuvenation of the skin tone and texture.
  • PicoSure is our laser of choice for clients who want to target excess melanin and unwanted pigmentation. The PicoSure is a true multi-tasker, attacking pigmentation problems while simultaneously hydrating and softening skin. This laser is especially effective, gentle, and useful for removing facial tattoos.
  • IPL PhotoFractional treatments are the latest in a trend called bundling. In this instance, we combine Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and laser treatment with ResurFx to treat a variety of concerns in a single session. IPL technology uses light wavelengths to target superficial blood vessels, broken capillaries, and dark spots. Over time, broken blood vessels close down and disappear, and pigment damage lightens. The result is skin that is bright, clear, and even-toned.

It’s Never Too Late for Facial Rejuvenation

b clinic welcomes clients of all ages who want to improve their complexion and skin. Some want to correct a perennially troubling forehead line. Others want to reclaim bright, glowing skin. In short, everyone is eager to put their best face forward, regardless of chronological age. They want their outer appearance to match their inner vigour.

b clinic believes beauty is truly ageless. We have developed techniques to address those forehead lines and dull skin, as well as more advanced treatments for correcting:

  • Jowls
  • Facial hollowing
  • Droopy eyes
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Aged appearance

In addition to the laser treatments above, b clinic relies on cosmetic injectablesto treat and rejuvenate the tear troughs and the mid-face by treating the correct deep fat pad compartments and by strengthening the loose ligaments. Dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injects, known collectively as cosmetic injectables, are an ideal way to redefine facial contours. One new way injectables are being used is in reshaping noses without surgery. Ultimately, the goal is to enhance the shape of the face or a facial feature and create a more refreshed appearance.  

NOW is the Time to Develop Your Maintenance Plan

The once-and-done answer to beauty hasn’t been invented yet. For this reason, b clinic recommends that clients create a maintenance plan to preserve the benefits they’ve worked so hard to achieve. Maintenance includes both in-clinic treatments and at-home care.

For example, a regular course of dermal fillers can help you maintain facial youth without a noticeable dramatic change. Other useful maintenance options include:

  • Anti-wrinkle injections
  • PDO threads
  • PRP treatments
  • Lasers
  • Skin treatments

Our team can help you develop a long-term, seasonal approach to maximising the beauty you have.

b Clinic: Where Good Things Happen to Faces

Have you been hesitant to get professional help for wrinkles, imperfect skin tone, and other problems that age the face? Is it because you haven’t yet made up your mind as to what, how, and when you want to start your journey with facial rejuvenation? Don’t hesitate a moment longer.

You are invited to enjoy a complimentary consultation at any of our seven b clinic locations. Ask questions, get answers, and discover a new level of ageless beauty. We’d love to meet you face-to-face.

The Top Cosmetic Trends of 2023 to Avoid and Why (And What to Have Instead!)

Before and after image of an attractive blonde woman

For many people, checking what’s trending in the world of cosmetic enhancement is the first thing they do in the morning and the last thing they do at night. You’re encouraged to follow the latest fashions so you too can be on-trend … but not every trend is right for every person.

Overfilling vs Tweakments

Mostly due to social media, one trend that has become popular is wearing filler treatments as a status symbol – large amounts of filler that are incredibly obvious to even the untrained eye.

However, it seems this trend is reversing in 2023. “Right now, the biggest fear that most people have about having cosmetic treatments, whether it’s surgical or nonsurgical, is looking unnatural,” Dr Julius Few told Allure Magazine. Other top priorities are non-invasive treatments with minimal recovery and downtime. For these reasons and others, smaller treatments called tweakments are set to become the trend this year.

What are tweakments? The word is a mash-up of tweaks and treatments. The best tweakments find the subtle sweet spot between correcting/enhancing a feature while preserving a person’s natural contours. How do you spot someone who has had a tweakment? You can’t, and that’s the point. As one doctor put it, “If my patient looks like they’ve had something done, then I did a bad job.”

Tweakments are sometimes referred to as facial optimisation and if you’re looking for a life-changing transformation, they’re probably not for you. They are for problems including thinning lips, dull skin, eye lines, and even asymmetrical eyebrows.

The majority of people we see at b clinic are looking for subtle enhancements (tweakments) to their natural features. Others have been seduced by wanting to be trendy, just as they are with their clothing, hairstyle, or make-up. It’s easy to forget that these aesthetic treatments are medical treatments. Making aesthetic changes to your facial appearance is not as simple as changing your hair style or clothes. That’s why it’s so important to consult with a knowledgeable injector about the treatments you’re considering.

Why b clinic Wants You to b Natural

The results of overfilling areas of the face are dramatic, and they are also extremely unnatural. They can look impressive in photos (with the right filters and 1000 takes) but can often look strange in real life. The features look out of proportion to the rest of the face. This is especially problematic with lip and cheek filler. Problems also arise when clients aren’t counselled to consider the real-life effects of a treatment. Often, they look at enhanced 2D representations of how filling the cheek, chin, jawline, or lips will look, and are happy with what they see. The happiness fades, however, when clients realise that in real life, 3D life, the results look artificial. Clients whose injectors have overfilled them can be animated, talking, smiling, and expressing emotions, but their features don’t move. It looks extremely artificial.

The trend for a slimmer, more contoured jawline is also the product of trends, and not a treatment everyone should undergo. Jaw slimming can be a wonderful, subtle enhancement treatment for some, but for others, slimming the jaw can create facial imbalance or even functional issues, since the jaw muscles are essential to chewing – a pretty important daily task!

2023 Cosmetic Trends are Not One Size Fits All

In the hands of a skilled injector, some trending treatments can do wonders to enhance facial and body contours. Still, not every treatment is right for every person, even non-invasive ones. “After years of scrambling to resemble inflated reality stars and Instagram girls, some women are now approaching (aesthetic enhancement) with a less-is-more mindset,” reports beauty writer Beanna Pai in the Glamour Magazine article The Rise of Tweakments.

In tandem with the trend to use fillers, for example, a problem with overfilling has emerged. It’s common for clients to visit b clinic and ask us to correct the work of other injectors with insufficient aesthetic sense. When excess filler is used, it is no longer a trending tweakment as clients lose the subtle individuality of their facial features. This produces the undesirable cookie-cutter features seen on so many people.

The overfilling trend does seem to be stronger in younger women, perhaps due to social media. However, volume loss is more severe as ageing progresses. You would think that more ageing equals more filling – but this isn’t the case at all. The placement of the filler, as well as the amount, is incredibly important to create a balanced result. At b clinic we love it when our clients tell us that friends and family tell them they look beautiful but also have no idea they are having treatments.

Find the 2023 Trend that’s Right for You

b clinic has earned a reputation for subtle cosmetic improvements that benefit people who want to age more naturally. You can rely on our injectors to guide you. They are knowledgeable about the medical and long-term aesthetic side effects of the treatments we offer. Your journey begins with a facial assessment. Your treating practitioner will discuss your goals and the treatment options that are best suited to you. In other words, we don’t steer you in the direction of the latest trend. b clinic puts you on the road to natural balance, harmony, and aesthetic rejuvenation.

Hydrate & Glow with Beauty Booster by Marian RN

The Beauty Booster is one of my favourite treatments to target deep hydration and improve the skin’s elasticity, giving an overall healthy glow. It boosts the radiance of your skin while stimulating collagen production to create skin densification, hydration, and tonicity.

You can get smoother, firmer, and healthier skin on the face, neck, décolletage, and hands. It’s also suitable for all skin types. 

How Do Beauty Booster Treatments Work?

We use a special handheld device that delivers micro injections of thin hydrating dermal filler precisely and evenly distributed across the skin. 

This thin dermal filler consists of a substance that is naturally present in the skin and is combined with a cocktail of antioxidants and small amounts of a local anaesthetic to provide comfort during treatment. This substance is an essential sugar that plays a vital role in skin moisture. 

When injected into the skin, this substance attracts and bonds with water molecules. This essentially hydrates the skin from within while also providing a boost to collagen and elastin production. The Beauty Booster treatment activates fibroblasts that trigger the growth of new collagen fibres in the dermis.

The result is that ageing skin appears plumper, radiant, and more youthful. 

How Many Treatments Are Required?

We recommend 2-3 treatments in the initial stage over three months for optimal results. I recommend my clients maintain their results with three treatments over a year, e.g. before and after summer and during winter.

Which Areas Can Be Treated with Beauty Boosters?

All areas of the face, neck, décolletage and hands can be treated with excellent results. These are typically the areas where ageing skin and skin dehydration are most noticeable. 

The Beauty Booster treatment can compensate for the natural loss of collagen and volume, helping to address fine lines, wrinkles, and a dull complexion. You can get back your radiance and make your skin glow. 

Am I a Suitable Candidate for a Beauty Booster Treatment?

The Beauty Booster is ideal for clients of all ages and those who want to boost the benefits of their skincare regime. It is the perfect treatment for clients wishing to maintain a natural, youthful appearance and reduce the signs of skin laxity and fine lines. Many clients have Beauty Booster between their regular injectable, skin or laser treatments.

It’s not suitable for those with an active infection or acne in the area. We also advise pregnant or breastfeeding women not to have Beauty Boosters and other injectable cosmetic treatments.

If you’re unsure whether it’s right for you, book a consultation, and I’ll be happy to advise you on your treatment options based on an evaluation of your skin concerns. 

Is There Any Downtime?

There is little to no downtime after a Beauty Booster session. Following the treatment, clients can expect to see small spots appear. However, they usually disappear 12-48 hours post-treatment – makeup can help. 

If you have an event or special occasion coming up, I would advise booking the treatment around a week to 10 days in advance. This will leave plenty of time for the treatment to take effect and for any unwanted side effects to subside. 

A consultation is always advised to eliminate contraindications and plan the best options for my clients.

Are There Any Aftercare Instructions with Beauty Boosters?

There is a minimal recovery period after Beauty Boosters, but we recommend that clients follow the aftercare instructions we provide. This will minimise the risk of side effects and maximise the treatment results. 

For the first 48 hours post-treatment, you should avoid strenuous exercise and exposure to hot environments. That includes saunas, steam rooms, and hot showers. It’s also a good idea to avoid alcohol consumption for 24-48 hours.

Try to take care of your skin during the first few days and avoid applying pressure or rubbing the area. You should also avoid exfoliants and products containing retinoids and Vitamin C for the first 48 hours. 

How Long Do Results Last?

Results can be seen after the first treatment and are cumulative. Your complexion will look brighter with more youthful skin for up to 9 months. The exact longevity depends on your lifestyle, genetics, and other factors. 

How Soon Will I See the Results?

You’ll see skin texture and tone improvement within two weeks of your initial treatment. Skin will be more hydrated and smoother with less noticeable wrinkle lines. With each treatment session, your complexion will become healthier and more radiant. 

Does the Beauty Booster Treatment Hurt?

Most clients do not find Beauty Booster treatments painful. We’ll apply a topical anaesthetic 30 minutes before the session begins to minimise any discomfort. The dermal filler product also contains a local anaesthetic.

Post-treatment, you may experience mild redness and tenderness in the treated area. This typically only lasts for a few hours.

What Should I Do Before Treatment?

We recommend a few things and some activities we advise clients to avoid before a Beauty Booster treatment. 

You should avoid alcohol consumption for at least 24 hours before your session. We also advise that you don’t take any aspirin, Vitamin E supplements, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) the week before your treatment. 

You should inform us if you are currently taking antibiotics before your session. You will likely need to finish the course of antibiotics before having Beauty Boosters and other cosmetic treatments. 

What Is the Difference Between Beauty Boosters and Dermal Fillers?

Beauty Boosters and dermal fillers are similar treatments as they both are made up of the same ingredients. But there are also some key differences. 

Dermal fillers are used to restore volume and create lift and contour. For example, we use dermal filler injections to increase the volume of the lips and to give the appearance of higher cheekbones to create a more attractive v-shaped facial structure. 

Beauty Booster treatments are designed to improve the hydration and health of the skin. While there is a volumising effect, this isn’t the primary goal of the treatment. Beauty Boosters also contain antioxidants to rejuvenate the skin. 

By Marian Ferguson RN.

Marian offers free consultations at our Fortitude Valley clinic. To book your free consultation, Call 1300558188 or book online.

Types Of Acne – Which Type of Acne Do You Have

Benzoyl Peroxide vs Salicylic Acid: Which Is Better For Acne?

Most people experience acne at some point in their lives. But not all breakouts are the same. Acne is a broad term that covers several different types of acne vulgaris. 

If you’re experiencing a breakout or can’t seem to get rid of those pesky pimples, the first step towards clear skin is to find out which type you’re dealing with. 

This article will explore the different types of pimples and acne. You’ll also learn the best ways to treat acne-prone skin. 

Different Types of Acne

Whether you get the occasional pimple or regular full-blown breakouts, being able to identify the different types of acne is key to finding the right treatment. 

Let’s take a closer look at the six different types of acne blemishes and how to identify them. 


Whiteheads are what most people think of when they hear the term acne. These pimples develop underneath the skin’s surface and appear as small spots with a white head. 

The name comes from the thin layer of skin covering the pimple and giving it a white appearance. 

The surrounding skin around a whitehead does not show any redness or signs of inflammation. If the area is inflamed, you’re probably experiencing a papule or pustule. 

Whiteheads are caused by a pore becoming clogged with dead cells, excess oil, and other impurities. As more oil and dead cells build up in the clogged pore, it causes a whitehead to appear.


Blackheads are very similar to whiteheads but have a dark appearance. While a thin layer of skin covers a whitehead, blackheads are exposed clogged pores that appear as dark spots. 

When the oil and debris in the pore reach the skin’s surface, the oxygen in the air causes it to turn black. That’s where the name blackhead comes from. 

People with oily skin are more likely to experience blackheads. Some skin care products and medications can also trigger breakouts. 

If you want to learn more about this type of acne and the best treatment options, check out our Science of Blackheads guide


A papule will appear as a firm red bump that may be tender to touch. Papules occur when a pore becomes clogged and ruptures. 

The wall of the pore breaks, and the bacteria and oil leak into the surrounding skin and pores. This typically leads to inflammation of the area. 

Squeezing a whitehead can damage the pore and lead to a papule. Pores can also rupture due to the pressure from the buildup of oil, dead cells, and bacteria. 

The Cutibacterium acne bacteria feeds on the oil trapped in the pore and starts to multiply. This triggers the body to send inflammatory cells to fight off the bacteria, which can weaken the pore and cause a rupture. 


Pustules are the next stage of a papule. Your body responds to bacterial growth in a papule by flooding the area with inflammatory cells. This response kills off the bacteria, but it also causes the papule to fill with dead cells, also known as pus. 

The buildup of pus in the pustule causes it to have a white cap. This type of acne is usually larger than a papule and softer to touch. 

It may be tempting to squeeze a pustule, but that’s never a good idea. Popping a pustule can push the contents of the pimple deep into the dermis and make the inflammation worse.


Acne nodules appear as small bumps underneath the skin. These bumps can become red and inflamed, or they may have the same colouring as your skin tone.

Unlike a pustule, nodules do not have a head. Instead, the nodule fills with pus much deeper in the skin. Nodules can cause pain and discomfort and be very tender to touch. 

Nodules are caused by the growth of bacteria and the body’s inflammatory response. The pore ruptures, and the bacteria leaks into the surrounding tissue. 

This type of acne can cause moderate to severe scarring if left untreated


This is the most severe form of acne. It occurs deep in the skin due to bacteria, oil, and dead cells becoming trapped in the pore. This triggers a strong inflammatory response from the body that leads to fluid-filled nodules or cysts forming in the dermis. 

When a pore wall breaks, the body creates a membrane around the area to try and contain the infection. This membrane fills with pus and sometimes blood. 

Cystic acne is the largest type of acne and often appears as large boils on the skin’s surface. The cysts usually have a red colouring and are very tender to the touch. 

When the cyst makes its way to the skin’s surface, it damages the tissue and can kill hair follicles. This type of acne often results in scarring.

Inflammatory vs Non-inflammatory Acne

So what’s the difference between inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne?

Blackheads and whiteheads are the two types of non-inflammatory acne. These blemishes form when the pores become clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells. 

But they can become inflamed if the pore becomes infected with bacteria. This can lead to inflammatory acne, including papules, pustules, and sometimes nodules and cysts.

Severe nodulocystic acne can result in multiple cysts and nodules with lots of inflammation.

How To Treat Acne

A good skincare regime can help you prevent acne breakouts. Active ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid should definitely be part of your daily skincare routine.

But most people suffering from severe acne and moderate acne need professional treatments and acne medication to get their skin back under control.

Here are the most effective cosmetic treatments for acne-prone skin.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Laser Skin Rejuvenation treatments target the acne-causing bacteria and trigger the body’s natural healing process. The laser energy breaks up damaged tissue so it can be replaced by healthy new cells. It also causes a boost in the production of collagen and elastin, with acne becoming less visible over time.

There are several types of laser treatments, and some are more suitable for certain skin types than others. Your clinician will determine the best laser treatment for you based on their assessment during your initial consultation.

You can expect to see an improvement after each laser session. Most people require 3-6 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Medical Grade Peels

Medical Grade Peels are a versatile exfoliation treatment that can treat and prevent acne. The treatment uses a chemical solution to stimulate a controlled peeling of the skin.

There are different types of chemical peels, and the strength of the solution can also be tailored to your skin type and acne severity. 

For example, a light peel can be an excellent preventative acne treatment, while stronger peels are more effective for controlling breakouts. 

The salicylic acid peel is one of the most effective for acne-prone skin. It eliminates the excess oil, bacteria, and dirt that causes blackheads and whiteheads to form. In a 2021 clinical study, a series of six salicylic acid peels was shown to reduce the occurrence of inflammatory papules by over 90% on average. 

Clinicians typically recommend a series of treatments spaced a few weeks apart to allow the skin to recover between sessions. 

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

IPL Skin Rejuvenation is a non-invasive laser treatment that can improve skin texture and tone while targeting the bacteria that causes inflammatory acne. 

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. The treatment uses a spectrum of light energy directed onto acne-prone skin in short, sharp blasts. The light energy destroys acne-causing bacteria while reducing inflammation. 

The treatment also stimulates new collagen production, making the skin appear smoother and more even-toned. After a single treatment, you’ll notice an improvement, but optimal results are achieved over 3-6 sessions.

Acne Treatments at b clinic

Even mild acne can be stressful. If you’re experiencing a breakout or looking for a way to keep your skin pimple-free, our team of skin experts at b clinic can help. We can advise you on the type of acne you have and the best treatment options to help you get clean and clear skin. Book a free consultation at b clinic today.

Chemical Peel Aftercare: How to Care For Your Skin

chemical peel aftercare

Chemical peels are a great way to rejuvenate a dull complexion and treat a range of skin concerns. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that can refresh and renew your skin.

But it’s important to take care of your skin post-treatment. You can speed up the recovery process and maximise the results by following the right chemical peel aftercare instructions.

This guide will reveal what to expect after a chemical peel and the dos and don’ts of taking care of your skin.

What Do Chemical Peels Do?

Chemical peels are an exfoliation treatment that stimulates new collagen and elastin production through controlled removal of the top layers of skin. Dull and damaged skin is removed so new healthy skin can take its place.

It’s a popular treatment for hyperpigmentation, sun-damaged skin, acne scars, and signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles.

While chemical peels have been around for a long time and have an excellent safety record, your skin will be extra sensitive for at least a few days post-treatment. Side effects like redness and flaking are also common.

That’s why chemical peel treatment aftercare is so important.

Chemical Peel Aftercare Instructions

Protect Your Skin From the Sun

Your skin is more vulnerable to sun damage after a chemical peel procedure. This is because the top layers of skin have been removed, and the new skin underneath can easily be damaged by the sun’s UV rays.

In a 2019 study, researchers at Birmingham University discovered that sun exposure affects the connective proteins that bond together skin cells. This is why skin peeling is one of the common effects of sunburn.

After a chemical peel, you need to pay more attention to sun protection. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a 30+ SPF for at least six weeks after your chemical peel. 

Sun damage is the leading cause of ageing skin, so you should already use sunscreen as part of your regular skincare regime.

Avoid Harsh Soaps and Cleansers

Harsh soaps and cleansers dry the skin by stripping away its natural oils. This can cause irritation post-peel and trigger redness and dryness. 

Choose a light cleanser that is safe for sensitive skin. For example, Benefit Clean 150ml is a gentle cleanser suitable for all skin types. It soothes and hydrates the skin to speed up the recovery following a chemical peel.

Use Cool Water To Cleanse Your Face

You should use cool or room temperature water to cleanse the skin post-peel. It’s also important to pat the skin dry with a clean towel and never rub.

Hot water can irritate new skin following a chemical peel. It can also cause dryness and increase the likelihood of peeling and skin flaking. 


The skin can feel dry for the first few days following treatment. As part of your chemical peel aftercare, your practitioner will recommend that you use a gentle moisturiser to keep the skin hydrated. You should use a water-based moisturiser free of any exfoliation ingredients, such as lactic acid or BHAs.

Let Your Skin Peel Naturally

The most important rule for chemical peel aftercare is to let the skin peel naturally. If you pick or pull at peeling skin, you can cause a bunch of unwanted side effects, including infection.

After a peel, the skin’s cutaneous barrier is temporarily weakened. As a result, your skin will be more vulnerable to bacteria for the first few days as the pores on your face will be open. 

Every time you touch your face, you risk bacteria getting into the pores and causing a breakout. Touching, rubbing, or picking at the skin can also increase irritation. 

Follow Your Practitioner’s Chemical Peel Aftercare Instructions

There are lots of different types of chemical peels. Some stronger peels cause a more intense reaction by penetrating the deeper layers of the skin, while more superficial peels result in much fewer side effects.

Your skincare professional will tailor the aftercare instructions based on your skin type and type of peel to help you achieve optimal results. It’s essential to follow the instructions and listen to the aftercare tips provided to you.

What Not to Do After a Chemical Peel

Don’t Use Physical Exfoliants

Flaking skin softens when it’s exposed to water. So, it can be tempting to use a facial scrub or washcloth to remove the dead, peeling skin. 

However, this will also cause new cells to be removed and damage skin integrity. This can result in a longer recovery time and cause scabbing and discolouration.

Avoid Chemical Exfoliation Ingredients

You should also avoid any chemical exfoliants. A chemical peel provides a strong exfoliation of the skin. Using additional exfoliation products during the recovery stage can strip the skin of moisture and cause damage to new skin cells.

Don’t use any skin care products containing acids and enzymes designed to exfoliate.

Don’t Do Intense Exercise

Your practitioner may recommend that you avoid heavy exercise for 72 hours after a chemical peel. In some cases, they may advise you to wait for up to one week before exercising, depending on the type and strength of the peel.

When you sweat during exercise, the salt in the sweat can irritate sensitive skin and increase the risk of unwanted side effects. You can do low-impact exercise during the recovery period, but you should avoid intense workouts.

Avoid Acidic and Salty Foods

The skin around the mouth is where people often experience the most skin peeling due to the constant muscle movement from talking and facial expressions. This means the area around the mouth can be extra sensitive following a chemical peel.  

When you eat highly acidic foods, such as tomatoes, oranges, and other fruits, it can irritate the skin. It’s also a good idea to avoid salty foods for the first few days post-procedure until your skin has recovered.

Don’t Use Retinol

Retinol can be a key part of a good skincare regime. It speeds up cell turnover to keep the skin looking fresh and more youthful. However, a chemical peel also increases cell turnover by removing the top layers of skin and stimulating new collagen production.

Using retinol following a chemical peel can cause irritation and increase the risk of side effects. It’s best to avoid retinol and similar ingredients until the peeling process has stopped and your skin has fully recovered.

What Does Your Face Look Like After a Chemical Peel?

It’s common to experience some redness and tenderness for the first few hours after a chemical peel. Over the next few days, you may experience some dryness and mild swelling. This is also when the skin starts to peel and appear flaky. In some cases, the skin can appear darker than usual.

By day seven, all side effects should subside, and your skin will start to look and feel more normal. However, the recovery process can take up to two weeks for deep peels.

What Is the Recovery Time for a Chemical Peel?

The recovery time for chemical peels depends on the strength and type of peel. For example, a deep peel will cause more side effects and require more time for your skin to return to normal. On the other hand, superficial peels often involve little to no recovery time.

It’s important to follow your practitioner’s chemical peel aftercare instructions to speed up the recovery and achieve optimal results.

How Long After a Chemical Peel Can I Wear Makeup?

If you have a light, superficial peel, you may be able to apply makeup immediately after your treatment. However, for deep chemical peels, you may need to wait up to 5-7 days before you can wear makeup.

Your clinician may also advise using mineral-based products to avoid clogging pores and causing irritation.

Chemical Peels at b clinic

A medical-grade peel can be a highly effective way to target fine lines, wrinkles, and other visible signs of ageing. It’s a versatile treatment that can be tailored to your skin type and aesthetic goals.
If you want to know more about this treatment and what to expect, schedule a free consultation with one of our cosmetic doctors here at b clinic.

Do’s & Don’ts before your next anti-wrinkle and dermal filler treatment

There are a few DO’s and DON’TS to consider before your next dermal filler or anti-wrinkle treatment. Here, our cosmetic nurse injector Brad covers what you should do to prepare for the best possible outcome of your next cosmetic injectable treatment while also providing tips on not to overwhelm yourself with certain supplements that may increase the risks of bruising/swelling.

Anti-Wrinkle Pre-Treatment Tips

To reduce the chances of bruising, please avoid the following.

  • Omega 3/Fish oil
  • Aspirin
  • NSAID Pain relievers – (Ibuprofen/Naproxen)
  • Blood Thinners (If safe to do so from your GP)

Schedule your Anti-wrinkle treatment at least two weeks before a special event you may be attending, such as a wedding or a vacation.  Results from the Anti-wrinkle injections will take approximately 7-14 days to appear. Bruising and swelling may occur in that period.

If you are trying to get pregnant or breastfeeding, you are not eligible for this treatment.

Dermal Fillers Pre-Treatment Tips

  • Minimise alcohol consumption for a minimum of 24 hours before injectable treatment. Alcohol can thin the blood, making it easier for bruising to occur.
  • Avoid certain supplements and medications before the procedure. If it is safe, do so or speak to your GP.
  • Stop all NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications) such as aspirin, Advil, Aleve, Nuprin, Bufferin, and Ibuprofen.
  • Stop all herbal supplements such as fish oil, ginkgo, and ginseng (a multi-vitamin is ok to continue).
  • Please discuss any history of allergies and current medications you are taking with your injector.
  • If you have a history of cold sores, it is important to let your provider know. There is a risk that the treatment could lead to an outbreak.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is not safe for you to undergo any cosmetic injections.
  • Do not schedule your treatment within 3-weeks of any big event.

To book your complimentary consultation with Brad call 1300 558 188.

5 Best Anti-Ageing Hand Treatments

hands beauty shot

While most people have a dedicated skincare routine to keep looking youthful and fresh, our hands are often overlooked. 

And with regular exposure to the sun, it’s no surprise the hands are one of the first places to show visible signs of ageing. 

But there are several in-clinic treatment options to help you make your hands look more youthful. In this article, we’ll explore the 4 best anti-ageing hand treatments.

Why Do My Hands Look Older Than My Age?

The hands age in the same way as the skin on your face. The body produces less collagen over time, and the skin can start to appear dry and dull. 

Hands often show ageing before other areas because the skin is very delicate and thin. Unfortunately, many people also neglect their hands when it comes to sun protection

Exposure to the sun’s powerful UV rays is one of the leading causes of skin ageing. Some studies state that sun exposure is responsible for 80% of visible signs of ageing in the skin. 

What Do Ageing Hands Look Like?

Very little fat is under the skin, so the hands appear to age faster than in other areas. There are several common symptoms of ageing hands, including:


Sunspots are flat, brown patches that are caused by sun exposure. While most people experience these skin discolourations on their hands when they reach 50+ years, many younger people develop sunspots due to UV exposure. 

Crepey Skin

The skin becomes laxer when the hands lose elasticity and can develop a crepey texture. The number one cause of this type of hand ageing is sun exposure.  

Noticeable Veins

Fat and volume loss in the hands can cause veins to become much more prominent. The skin also becomes thinner and more transparent, making veins appear more noticeable.

Dry Skin

The skin’s natural barrier becomes less effective at locking in moisture as we age. This can leave the hands more vulnerable to damage from irritants and result in dry and cracked skin.

Can You Reverse Ageing Hands?

If your hands are showing sun spots and other signs of ageing, you should consider the treatment options that can help you regain your youthful skin. Most require no downtime and can be performed in less than an hour in clinic.

Here’s a rundown of the best anti-ageing hand treatments.

1. Fillers for Hands

Biostimulator fillers are highly effective at restoring lost volume and making the hands look younger and smoother. A single treatment can make your hands look more rejuvenated.

The treatment works by injecting a biostimulator filler product into the areas where volume loss is causing visible signs of ageing. The  filler can soften the ridges between tendons and reduce the appearance of veins.

Biostimulator fillers stimulate new collagen and elastin production to make the skin appear smoother and more even-toned. Because of this ongoing collagen boost, biostimulator fillers require fewer top-up treatments than hyaluronic acid-based fillers.

Results from a single treatment can last up to 12-18 months.

2. Laser Resurfacing for Hands

Laser Skin Rejuvenation for the hands is one of the best treatments to reduce the appearance of sunspots and other visible signs of ageing. 

The procedure uses laser energy to tighten and tone the skin by accelerating cell turnover and stimulating new collagen production. Tired and dull skin is replaced with healthy, new skin cells. 

Most people require 4-6 sessions to achieve their desired results. However, you’ll notice an improvement after each session, with skin appearing fresher and more vibrant.

3. Beauty Booster for Hands

The Beauty Booster is a powerful hydrating hand rejuvenation treatment. A unique formula of dermal  filler, vitamins, and other active ingredients are injected into the hands and along wrinkles lines to refresh and revitalise the skin.

A 30-minute session can replenish the skin’s natural moisturising properties, making the hands appear well-hydrated and more youthful.

Most people require 3 sessions spaced 3-6 weeks apart to achieve their desired results. Your hands will appear smoother and more even-toned after each session.

4. IPL for Hands

IPL Skin Rejuvenation uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to target sunspots and other hyperpigmentation on the hands. The light energy is attracted to the dark pigmentation, leaving healthy skin tissue undamaged. Lesions and sunspots are broken down so the body can naturally remove them.

IPL also has a collagen-boosting effect. While removing blemishes and redness, IPL can also rejuvenate the skin, so the hands appear healthier and more youthful. 

In a 2016 clinical study, IPL treatment results for sunspots were graded as “Excellent” in 45.3% of patients. 

For many people, only a couple of sessions are required to achieve optimal results from IPL. For larger areas of hyperpigmentation, you may need a series of 3-5 sessions to achieve desired results.

How To Make Hand Rejuvenation Results Last Longer

There’s no way to stop the ageing process. But there are things you can do to make the results of anti-ageing hand treatments last longer, including:


One of the easiest ways to take care of your hands and keep them looking younger is to apply moisturiser regularly. Keeping the skin hydrated can slow down ageing and improve overall skin quality. 

Renaissance Night Cream + is a super-effective anti-ageing product for the hands. Containing retinol and niacinamide, it hydrates the skin overnight, so it looks rejuvenated during the day. 

Protecting your hands from harsh soaps and other chemicals that can dry the skin is also important. Use a mild hand soap and always wear gloves when using cleaning products. 


You should regularly exfoliate your hands, just like your face and body. The easiest way to do this is to use your body scrub to moisturise your hands when in the shower. 

Exfoliation removes the excess oil and dead skin cells from your hands to combat dry and dull skin. Always apply a moisturiser after exfoliating to help your skin recover lost moisture. 


Protecting your hands from the sun’s UV rays is the most important thing you can do to combat ageing. So make sure you apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to your hands daily. 

It’s important to remember to apply sunscreen when outdoors and when you’re driving or exposing your hands to the sun through windows. 

Eat Healthily

Like every other organ in your body, the skin is affected by your lifestyle choices and diet. If you eat an unhealthy diet, your skin and nails can become dry, dull, and crack easily. 

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants can help you keep your hands and nails healthy on the inside and the outside. 

Maintenance Treatments

Your practitioner will usually recommend a follow-up treatment several weeks or months after your initial anti-ageing procedure. 

Some treatments require maintenance sessions more often than others. The timing will also depend on your unique skin concerns. 

It’s important to attend these maintenance sessions to keep your hands looking more youthful. 

Book a Free Consultation at B Clinic

The best way to determine which anti-ageing hand treatment is right for you is to book a consultation with one of our cosmetic doctors here at b clinic. We’ll provide a tailored treatment plan based on an assessment of your skin concerns and your desired results. Book a free consultation today.

anti-ageing hands before and after

Lip Flip Treatment, No Dermal Filler Required!

A lip flip can make your lips look fuller without the need for surgery or dermal filler. Strategically placed injections of muscle relaxant cause the upper lip to “flip” upwards and outwards to appear fuller without adding any new volume. 

Treating the Lips

The lip flip is a minimally invasive treatment that subtly changes the shape and projection of the lips, so they appear plumper and more defined. Your practitioner will use anti-wrinkle injections to target the edges of your lips and the corners of the mouth. The injections relax the muscles around the mouth so that the lips “flip” and appear fuller and more youthful. 

Who Is Suitable To Have This Treatment?

This treatment is suitable for men and women in good health wanting to achieve fuller and more defined lips without surgery or dermal fillers. It’s a good treatment option for people who wish to reduce a “gummy smile” and those who feel their top lip rises higher than normal when they smile. 

What to Expect

A lip flip treatment can create the appearance of plumper and fuller lips through injections of muscle relaxants. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that doesn’t involve any painful side effects or extended downtime. 

Your practitioner will use a thin needle to inject targeted areas of the lips and mouth. As the injections are applied, you may experience a mild pinching sensation. In some cases, a topical anaesthetic will be applied before treatment to minimise any discomfort. 

The injections cause the orbicularis oris muscle around the mouth to relax and “flip” the upper lip so it appears fuller and more prominent. The entire lip flip procedure only takes around 20 minutes. 

Once the upper lip augmentation is complete, you can immediately return to work and social activities. You can expect to see results within a few days, with the full effects visible around 14 days post-procedure. 

What’s the Difference Between a Lip Flip and Lip Fillers?

Lip flips and lip fillers can both enhance the lips for a fuller and more youthful pout. But there are differences in how these cosmetic procedures work and how long they last.

With a lip enhancement using facial fillers, the product is injected into the lips to add volume. Lip fillers make your lips plumper, with the effects lasting for up to 6 months.. 

With a lip flip, a small amount of muscle relaxant is used to change the shape and projection of the lips. While the lips appear fuller, there is no increase in volume. The effects of a lip flip procedure last for around 1-3 months before a top-up treatment is required. 

Your cosmetic doctor may recommend a combination of dermal fillers and a lip flip to help you achieve your desired results. 

When Can I See the Results?

You will start to see noticeable results within a few days of your lip flip treatment. Results will continue to improve over the next 10-14 days, with the full effects of treatment visible after 2 weeks. 

How Long Does a Lip Flip Last?

Lip flip results are not permanent. You can expect results to last for around 1- 3 months after your lip flip treatment. The effects of the injections will begin to wear off after this time. 

Many people choose to maintain their results with an additional lip flip procedure when the effects of the initial treatment session begin to fade. 

Does a Lip Flip Hurt?

Lip flip is a minimally invasive treatment and is generally painless. However, if you have low pain tolerance, your practitioner may apply a topical anaesthetic to minimise any discomfort during the lip flip treatment session. 

Can I Get a Lip Flip and Lip Fillers?

Yes, you can get both a lip flip and lip fillers. The combination of these cosmetic procedures can provide a more dramatic lip augmentation. The lip flip can change the shape of your lips to make them appear more prominent, while the lip filler can add volume for fuller-looking lips. 

Your clinician may recommend a combination of a lip flip and lip filler to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. 

Is There Any Downtime?

It’s common to experience mild bruising and swelling for the first 12-24 hours after a lip flip procedure. Sometimes, these side effects can last for a few days post-procedure.

If you want a lip enhancement for a special occasion, we recommend booking your lip flip treatment around 2 weeks before the event. This will leave enough time for the treatment to take full effect and for any side effects to subside. 

Can I Eat or Drink After Getting a Lip Flip?

You can eat and drink after a lip flip. But it’s important to avoid hot beverages and foods that can irritate your lips. It’s also a good idea to avoid messy foods that could cause you to wipe or apply pressure to your lips for the first few days post-treatment. 

Your practitioner will also recommend that you avoid using drinking straws for 72 hours as puckering your lips could disturb the muscle relaxant and cause it to migrate. 

How Do I Prepare for a Lip Flip?

There is very little preparation required for a lip flip. 

For 48 hours before the cosmetic procedure, you should avoid alcohol consumption and smoking to minimise the risk of side effects and speed up the healing process. 

It’s also important to stop taking any blood-thinning medication, including aspirin. These medications can increase the risk of bruising and swelling post-treatment. 

You should tell your practitioner about any medications and supplements you take during your initial consultation at b clinic. The consultation is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about lip flips. 

What To Expect After a Lip Flip?

Following a lip flip procedure, you may experience mild swelling and bruising around the injection sites. These side effects are temporary and should subside within 72 hours. 

Your practitioner will provide aftercare instructions to help you manage any side effects and ensure optimal treatment results. This can include avoiding strenuous exercise for 48 hours, not wearing makeup for 24 hours, and avoiding saunas, hot showers, and sun exposure for around 1 week. 

Possible Risks and Complications

Lip flips are a minimally invasive treatment considered very safe and low risk. The most common side effects are mild bruising and swelling around the injection sites for the first 48 hours post-procedure. 

There is a risk of more severe complications if an inexperienced or untrained practitioner performs the procedure. If too much muscle relaxant is injected, it can result in the inability to form certain words and difficulty whistling or closing the mouth. These side effects will subside as the muscle relaxant wears off. 

As with all injections, there is a small risk of infection. In rare cases, muscle relaxant injections can cause headaches and fever. If you experience these symptoms or have difficulty breathing or blurred vision, you should contact a trained medical professional immediately. 

How Much Does a Lip Flip Treatment Cost?

The cost of a lip flip depends on several factors, including your desired treatment outcomes. Generally, a lip flip is more affordable than dermal fillers. To find out if you are a good candidate for a lip flip and receive a cost estimate, schedule a complimentary consultation at b clinic.